Do you need an umbrella policy?

Most people do! If you are sued due to an auto accident, dog bite, incident with your child, property damage, or most other incidents, an umbrella policy will pay for your legal fees and settlement if you are found liable. For about  $15 per month, you can purchase a $1,000,000 umbrella policy! Take a look […]

Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace

Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental health has long been a taboo instead of the open conversation it needs to be. The statistics below are just some of the consequences of not prioritizing mental health in the workplace. “61% of workers said their mental health affected their productivity” ( That’s 61% of workers who are playing table tennis in their […]

Do you have enough coverage to rebuild your home?

Do you have enough coverage to rebuild your home?

No one wants to think about needing enough coverage to rebuild their home. Unfortunately, homeowners insurance coverage amounts are based on just that. Over the past year, the U.S. has experienced an unprecedented increase in the cost of construction material and labor. These rising costs impact the cost to repair or replace property risks. In […]

Why you need think about Healthcare and Retirement

Why you need think about Healthcare and Retirement

When you think about retirement, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? If it’s math, you’re not alone. Percentages, rates, yields, earnings, and returns are words you’ve probably heard so often you don’t even know their meaning anymore. What may not come to mind is health insurance. So, why do you need to think […]

Storm Chasers Do’s and Don’ts

Storm Chasers Do’s and Don’ts

Storm chasers are roofing contractors who go to neighborhoods recently impacted by bad weather like storms or wind. In many instances, these contractors travel from out of state to an area affected by storms and begin to canvas neighborhoods and solicit work door to door. They then use what they know about homeowners insurance to […]

Post-Holiday Funk Got You Down? Try These Tips!

Post-Holiday Funk Got You Down? Try These Tips!

Almost everyone is familiar with the general funk most people feel after the holidays. It might feel a little extra funky this year due to COVID-19 making it difficult to spend time with family. Psychologist Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore describes the post-holiday funk phenomenon as “the abrupt withdrawal of stress hormones after a major event, be […]

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