The Capitol Benefits Foundation was established to provide resources and opportunities to children that may not have access to them otherwise.  This includes: 


  • Care Closets – Free supplies in classrooms such as clothing, school supplies, snacks, band-aids, hygiene products and more.   Students can enter the “Care Closet” to pick up a pencil and discreetly select other items that they may need and not have at home.    


  • After-School Program Scholarships – The goal is to get children engaged in constructive activities and pull them away from any negative influences that they would otherwise be exposed to.  Opportunities include dance, sports, educational, and other already established activities. 


  • Backpacks for Kids – Our foundation is proud to donate dozens of backpacks filled with school supplies to elementary, middle and high schools.   These usually include things like notebooks, binders, pencils, erasers, rulers, and more.    


  • Thanksgiving Meals – We are proud to offer catered Thanksgiving meals to families that would not otherwise be able to have them.  We include children’s literature to educate them on the holiday along with their meal.    

(Insert picture of Jackie and the box of thanksgiving food) 


  • Holiday Happiness – Parents have the opportunity to select toys, clothes, games, and books for their children from a “pop up” toy store that we create at a local school.  Donations are used to purchase the items to offer at no cost.   


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See how we support children in the community Visit the Capitol Benefits Foundation website